
protest for press and media freedom
IMG 20210515 150129 intro5  Suspension of parliament: extreme action which consists in refusing to hear people. A sign of dictatorship. IMG 20210502 181103  The pubs pretend to be open but the nearest open pub in Harrow is 5 miles away. Just beer gardens and terrasses are open. IMG 20210515 141129  Sept- Oct 2019: Boris Johnson wanted to abolish TV licencing to weaken the BBC
intro2 IMG 20210515 141156  Autumn 2019: BBC revealed Boris Johnson was sorting the journalists at press conferences. IMG 20210515 142418  24th April 21: BBC and many other press organisms did not inform public a protest that took place that day. IMG 20210515 142448  The 24th April protest was huge as crowd covered the entire Oxford street from Marble Arch to Tottenham Court minimum. People compared it to a protest that happened against Irak war. Almost no public media did report about it.
IMG 20210515 142505  On the 15th May 21, people are walking towards the BBC to request transparency in the news IMG 20210515 142533 intro4 IMG 20210515 142613  BBC watch out we are on the way
IMG 20210515 142636 IMG 20210515 142729  Watch out BBC. We are going to get you back IMG 20210515 143530  UK column: a media that informs about the vaccine adverse reactions. IMG 20210515 143649
IMG 20210515 143823  Ambigous signs. Decorrupt BBC. Shall the BBC ignore the protest or shall the BBC ignore the government financials threats to cut the TV licence BBC1  A metal moat to stop the mob IMG 20210515 144008 BBC2  A joyful Mary Poppins with a white umbrella
intro3 BBC3  Is it the reason why govenement recruited more than 20 000 policement a year ago? IMG 20210515 142522  Not only the nurses are afraid, nobody dares to say a world on professional networks, even though the fear started there. IMG 20210515 143839
IMG 20210515 144922 IMG 20210515 144755 IMG 20210515 144828 IMG 20210515 145003  Even Gandalf is protesting
IMG 20210515 145331 IMG 20210515 145346 IMG 20210515 145423 IMG 20210515 145505
IMG 20210515 145525  Gandalf is fed up IMG 20210515 145841  Interesting faces. Striking colours IMG 20210515 145845  Father and son? IMG 20210515 145919  Lovely smile
IMG 20210515 145950  He doesn't want to be jabbed. His horse will help him to escape IMG 20210515 150007 IMG 20210515 150221 IMG 20210515 150224  Front and back, black and white.
IMG 20210515 150248  The right tee shirt for this protest IMG 20210515 150741 IMG 20210515 150755 IMG 20210515 150958
IMG 20210515 152334 IMG 20210515 153307 IMG 20210515 165127  Piers Corbyn in Hyde Park IMG 20210515 134643  Trafalgar square: protest starting
IMG 20210515 140006  What is this suction machine for pipelines? Very weird IMG 20210515 135940  Very suspicious sign. This image seems to have been comped, I saw this sign at the end of the protest. It rang me a bell as my mother is sick since Friday and she was entirely well just before. IMG 20210515 140322  A lot of strange coincidence are happening in my life: am I paranoiac or am I watched?  I am sometimes very afraid. conclusion3  Just after the protest, BBC published an article spreading far less fear then usual about variants and virus
conclusion1  A big scandal burst out on the 20th May, 5 days after the protest: BBC is the target of this scandal, related to a story about 25 years old. conclusion2  If it resists to that, BBC will celebrates its centenary next year in 2022. Formed in oct 1922 by manufacturers including Marconi. 14 November 1922: first broadcasting. Sept 1923: first edition of Radio Times February 1924: pips to indicate Greenwich time November 1929: First television tests December 1932: King George V talked on radio. November  1936: Television services opens 1937: first televion outside broadcast January 1938: first foreign language broadcast in Arabic. 1946: shows for children and woman's hours 1948: first televised Olympic Games 1949: first weather forecast July 1967: first full colour TV service in Europe December 1997: BBC open its website. July 2007: BBC iPlayer os launched July 2011: 3D tennis at Wimbledon